So I was down in the x-ray department this morning, arguing with the staff and trying to get them to do some work.
Radiographers have this bizarre self image of how crucial they are to the health service beyond what is a purely functional, and technical role...and in fact a lot of South African nurses who used to work in remote areas,particularly on mines, did a short radiology conversion course...
...basically...can you switch a light on-and-off whilst getting the patient not to breathe but remembering to breathe yourself...oh...and remembering to remind the patients to start breathing again when you have finished.
Alright Lucien...? asked Tallulah ,the "Radiology Support Worker" aka Schlepper...I ain't seen you for a while...
"Well...I've been on leave for a few weeks studying for an exam..."
Hummh...you look a bit different...what you done to your self then...?
"Umhh...I don't know...I think that I look like what I always look like..."
No...sumfings different...
Its your hair...are you colouring it...?
"Jah...but I've been colouring it for years...pretty much any time you have seen me in the last 7 years I have dyed my hair..."
(I am soooooooooooooooooooooo vain)
...and what colour do you use to dye it then...?
"That would be the colour that you can see on my head..."
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