Monday, 3 December 2012

Transubstantiation : Part Seven : T-Day

Please click on the image above to see the website of the 
"Heart of Cape Town Museum"

And so on  this day, forty six years ago, in a nine hour long operation , the first human heart transplant was carried out in Cape Town. a twist of fate that a fiction writer would not dare to make make up your own mind...Lucien reads "The Wife's Story"

I recommend this superb film with Rupert Graves as Chris Barnard, called "The First New Heart"


  1. Lucien, I've been following your series and watched the film clip and was stunned. I grew up white in the Southern US during the civil rights era. Young enough not to experience the worst, but old enough to remember and fear . My parents were not racists, but Christians who taught me that "Jesus loves the little children, red and yellow, black and white. They are precious in his sight." As I grew and read, I read Dr. Barnard's biography and heard various accounts of his success. Apparently I knew he was South African, but I mistakenly believed that he was black. This bothers me. I think I may have fallen prey to a bit of revisionist history. It happens you know. In trying to set the record straight, sometimes the plumb line gets moved. Anyway, thanks for the update.

  2. Wow. Watching the movie. I didn't realize Dr. Barnard had rheumatoid arthritis. My son, aged 20, has had rheumatoid since age 10.
