Monday, 15 October 2012

In which I receive the worst patient feedback ever...

I have worked all over the world...

...First World and Third World...

...University hospitals and a tin shack in Kampuchea...

...a mud hut in Zimbabwe and a regional trauma hospital in Nova Scotia...

...state health...private medicine...public health...self employed...

...I have never worked anywhere however where the amount of extraneous paperwork is as massive and annoying as it is at my current Unit.
The NHS appears to be run by stationery salesman...paper-mill companies

And you know don't you that its mostly all rubbish?

What you really need to document bears no relation to the amount of paperwork and form-filling that you are actually required to do....
...its all about ticking boxes...

In addition to everything else, I am required to complete a CQUINs form....I am required to interrogate my patients on their smoking , alcohol consumption and weight...
...specifically I must  tell  overweight women that I think they are overweight and then ask them if they would like me to refer them to the fat clinic...
....yeah right... that happens.... I do that anyway for my normal notes but the NHS requires me to complete a specific form.

Can you guess how many I complete?

And I am also supposed to give patients a 'feedback' form asking them about their experience as a 'client' of mine...
...including asking them if they would prefer to be taken to another hospital when they have their next heart attack...
...I know that I would prefer it!

Can you guess how many of those I hand out?
Can you guess how many I complete?
Well actually quite a lot...all of my patent's think I am terrific and kind and helpful.

I don't know if management has noticed how well I do...but in 7 years there have been no negative sanctions...

And so on Saturday morning I got to work , and found this particular comment on the main waiting-room window.

Guess who had to clean it up??

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