I know this is a nursing blog but in a parallel universe I am the chef/patron of the Deli Diner, a much loved and much missed kosher deli in Johannesburg.
The actual owner,-Mark-,who has since discovered religion (ie, a non-Jewish type of spirituality the essence of which seemed to be to close the restaurant),used to serve an extensive menu but pretty much,if they had it in stock they would cook you what you wanted.
I used to eat there daily at one stage and it was always my go-to place when entertaining visiting Americans...or visiting Poms for that matter.
But I digress.
I love food...I love cooking...I love shopping in markets for food....I like eating with friends...
And up until yesterday,Nigella was my favourite TV cook...
...so there I was, wracked by this afwul cough, bring up green mucus from most of my bodily orifices,sitting in my underpants, with a straw in a bottle of Amoxil, half heartedly picking at my ( actually really good M&S ) 4-cheese ravioli when I was idly surfing through the TV and stumbled across a cooking show called The Little Paris Kitchen featuring the gorgeous, delicious Rachel Khoo who happened to be sucking honey from a spoon as I landed on the program...
...thank heavens I am ALS trained!!
Here she is sucking honey....
And here is a trailer about the program...
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