Friday 20 May 2011

Just in case Saturday ends up being Judgement Day... a lot of people believe it will...when "The Rapture" happens tomorrow at 1800 Eastern Time...
...(that's the time in the USA,-naturally...)
...then please...
...have a 'borrie' roll and relax...

By the way...if you are one of my colleagues then do not phone in sick...
...there is no doubt in my mind that there is not one single one of you who will be going to heaven...

Also...don't phone in and say that you cannot get to work because of the zombies wandering the streets...
...or that the only food available in McDonald's was Manna...and that it tasted too sweet...and that you think you're allergic to it...

Also...don't phone in and say that you joined the Universal Life Church on Friday night and have been saved and therefore no longer need to come to work...

PS....the fridge magnets are for sale...a limited edition of make me an offer!
PPS...I believe that there is something out there watching over us-the Government.
PPPS...I still miss you so very know who you are
PPPPS...pass the mustard please...

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